Category: Transform Your Life…

Find Your Zen: Day 1

We live in a world that seems overrun by chaos, where we have to face personal and social challenges on a daily basis. Nearly everyone is affected by it at some point, and everyone experiences it differently. However, we are all also wired to fight back against these foreboding odds and live up to our full potential with love and healing. But this wiring gets shortened due to physical, emotional, and even social factors. As a result, you might feel overwhelmed and ultimately think that you are not capable of handling all the pressure without breaking down.

It is times like these, when you feel restless and uncertain, that staying centered and finding your Zen and core integrity is particularly essential. It is important during these circumstances of confusion to learn to fight back with intuition and consistency build a soul connection capable of overcoming powerful fears and helping clarity prevail. It is also important to keep your nervous system and your inner self aligned so that anger and other negative feelings don’t build up, burying the natural love every one of us was born with.

Ways to Find Your Zen in a Crazy World

  • Feel: Be aware of your feelings, but don’t let the chaos become your reality. Rather, let everything exist the way it is while trying to bring it back to normal, using the inner light that helps you stay aware and connected to your own inner reality.
  • Take genuine, mindful breaths: If at any time of the day you feel you are losing control over yourself, take a short break and practice slow, mindful breathing for a few minutes. At least take five authentic breaths to reclaim your Zen and feel revitalized again before returning to your routine.

5 Tips For Exercising When You Are Busy

For some people, the 24 hours in a day is still not enough to fit in a workout schedule. Between struggling to balance a busy career with family life, it may seem like there is hardly any time left to exercise regularly. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to give up on your desire to lose those extra pounds, build up your muscles or tone up your body. All you have to do is find creative ways of fitting effective exercises into your daily schedule. To help you achieve this goal, here are five simple but effective tips for exercising when you’re busy.

Tip 1 – Choose Efficient Workouts

To get the most out of your busy schedule, go for efficient workouts that burn more fat in less time while keeping your metabolism high for hours after exercising. Bodyweight exercises, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and kettlebell training are just some of the many efficient exercise options available to you that can be used to burn fat, build up your muscles, improve your cardiovascular fitness and much more in very little time.

Tip 2 – Focus On What You Like

Making your workout fun by choosing activities that you like is a great way to stay committed to exercise during busy times. If you’re doing something you enjoy, you’ll actually want to exercise and will, therefore, take the time to workout, regardless of how busy you are. If you choose exercises that you don’t enjoy, the opposite will happen and you’ll find yourself constantly making excuses to avoid working out.

Tip 3 – Make Exercise A Family Activity

Is family one of the things keeping you too busy to work out? If so, turn the time you spend with your family into family workout time. Cycling, hiking, walking and jogging are just some of the many fun outdoor activities you can enjoy with your family and will help you stay fit while spending quality time with your loved ones.

Tip 4 – Workout In The Morning

If you cannot find the time to exercise during the day or in the evening when you get home from work, make exercising your number one priority by becoming an early riser. You’ll have enough time to engage in an effective workout session if you wake up a few hours before you have to leave for work. Doing exercises first thing in the morning will also help you stay consistent because it’s the first thing you do before any other tasks or obligations come your way.

If you do start exercising in the morning, make sure you don’t sacrifice your sleep. You still need to be getting at least six hours of quality sleep every night to workout effectively. Sleeping for less than this will have a detrimental effect on your workout performance and results.

Tip 5 – Workout During Your Lunch Break

Instead of spending your entire lunch break sitting at your desk, take that opportunity to sneak in a workout. A one-hour lunch break offers you plenty of time to go for a walk or hit the gym for a fast-paced 15-30 minute workout followed by a shower and nutritious meal. Not only does a lunchtime workout allow you to fit exercise into your busy routine but it also has a rejuvenating effect and makes you much more productive for the rest of the day. Why not grab others from work to support each other?


No matter how busy you are, you can always find time to implement one of the suggestions in this article and add exercise to your routine. So choose one that suits your current lifestyle best and start implementing it today.