How do you get 100% committed?
|Do you have a clear vision and purpose, to get and keep you on track? Peak Performers have a Clear Vision. This clear vision is what brings you back on track.
Plans change. Kids get sick. Cars break down. Life gets in the way. That’s life! But what is it that gets you back on track…fast! It’s your Vision…the reason you went into business in the first place. It’s how you make a difference…with your clients, your family, your friends and it becomes the focus point of all decisions moving forward.
What’s your vision of where your business will be in 2016? Three years from now? What impact will doing business with you have on your clients? Will your clients make more money? Will they save more money? How will you make life and their business better by doing business with you? Focus on what you can do for them vs. what they can do for you.
What difference can you make by being the one they would love to do business with. This is what sets your course and keeps it on track.